Sunday, June 21, 2009 {6/21/2009 09:02:00 AM}

Wednesday, April 8, 2009 {4/08/2009 11:17:00 PM}

Monday, March 16, 2009 {3/16/2009 06:16:00 AM}
I have lived more then once before though memory is askew.More a feeling then a thought yet I know always with you.You walk the edges of my mind, an appetizer for my dreams.Savoring just a taste of what flickers on memories screen.
"I am ready to love you again"
Feather touch of remembrance obscure to the naked eye. Wisp of soft blond hair or your essence as you glide by.Pages whisper as they turn in the history of my mind.Words etched in indelible ink " I'm waiting for our time"
"I am ready to love you again"
World turns and seasons change, I will live in your arms anew.Rainbow hair or eyes of blue I'll always know it's you.For a hundred years, maybe more I knew you inside out.I've swam naked in your thoughts dove deep into your doubts.
"Are you ready for me?"

{3/16/2009 05:15:00 AM}
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched .
they must be felt with the heart .
-Helen Keller
Helen Keller(June 27 , 188o-June 1 , 1968) was an American author , political activist and lecturer . She was the first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree . Helen Adams Keller was born at an estate called Ivy Green in Tuscumbia,Alabama . She was not born blind and deaf, if it was not until she was nineteen month old that she contracted an illness describe by doctors as "an acute congestion of the stomach and the brain,"which could possibly have been scarlet fever or meningitis . The illness did not last for a particularly long time , but left her deaf and blind .Anne Sullivan arrived at Keller's house in March 1887, and immediately began to teach Helen to communicate by spelling words into her hand, beginning with d-o-l-l for the doll that she had brought Keller as a present. Keller's big breakthrough in communication came in April the same year, when she realized that the motions her teacher was making on the palm of her hand, while running cool water over her other hand, symbolized the idea of "water"; she then nearly exhausted Sullivan demanding the names of all the other familiar objects in her world . Sullivan taught her charge to speak using the Tadoma method of touching the lips and throat of others as they speak, combined with fingerspelling letters on the palm of the child's hand. Later Keller learned Braille and used it to read not only English but also French , German , Greek , and Latin . The story of Helen Keller .
So long never update le . I think this blog will be dead sooner or later . Anyway , Nick(ng) sorry for whad i did . i apologise . don't get confused . I swear that i was just playing . All i said was not the truth as i don't want you to get upset or something like that . but i think i did th wrong thing again . aw, sorry .
Another thing i want to say is th Meet The Parent session sucks totally . Mr. lawrence Tan was like pouring sand into mye wound and Mrs. Barnwell was cleaning it for mie . thank you mrs barnwell . Anyway , cher i'm fine . don't worry . My results sucks totally . all c5 or c6 and o1 fcuking F9 for mother tongue . Whad th hell , for th test , i told Mdm goh that i going for counselling for awhile , she said okay . thn when i came back , she didn't give mie extra time and failed mie . FCuk laas , damn f-ing angry . On saturday , mummy beat me up . Whad th hell . Go counselling also got wrong . hais , don't know whad th adults thinking siol .

♥ Baby , you in camp must take care ehs . don't make mie worry horx . drink more water and eat more . you now become skinnier le . hais , sadded bodoh . Before you book in , you told mie not to get into trouble , must be good girl . Today , i very guai guai ehs . I never run school lo . Th stupid lesson lasted for o6 hours with a few mins breaks in between . I going to bored to death le laas . My friends halfway run oud le thn ask mie run but i don't want ehs . just because of whad you say . When you book oud this friday and see this , you must reward mie horx . I don't want to lose you again . trust me , i'm true this time .

Friday, March 6, 2009 {3/06/2009 05:04:00 AM}
Mrs. Wan called me see her during recess . she talked to mie for o1 and a half hour .
hais , don,t care laas . fcuk up laas .
promised mie to fetch mie home today but nv . even a freaking goodbye .

Friday, February 27, 2009 {2/27/2009 04:07:00 AM}
ad toa payoh now ! not in th mood . A fcuking bangla scold mie for no fcuking reasons . he ask me go behind talk . fcuk laas . no ball sial . ask a girl wearing school uni and younger than him by don,t know how many years to go . nabei cheebye . got to go . bye .

Sunday, February 8, 2009 {2/08/2009 02:48:00 AM}
Nick wanted all this photo to be post but he has no comment on anything .

I lost mye red packets ! argh ! just found out about it today . don,t know whr th fcuking hell i left it . bad mood le still got ppl make mie angry . ask him got anything to say , he said no comments . bullshit . whad he does these days , he freaking said nth . as if this blog , i am th only owner . he got no reponsibility to update this blog . all mye fault , why believed him ad first . something like "i'll update everyday when i come back from HK" , all bullshit . I hated all these ! i want to go back to th days when i don,t even know you . he never even read whad i write nor how i feel . i'm just transparent to him . I want to go back to th days when i like edwind . ad least he makes mie feels happier . but time can't be rewind !